Hey there, fellow adventurers! Today, let’s dive into a topic that’s both a necessity and a challenge when you’re on the road: bathroom business in your van. We all know the deal – when nature calls, you have to answer. Doing so in a compact space like a van can be, well, a bit tricky, to say the least.

At Roost Vans, we understand the importance of accommodating families and their unique needs on the road. Our design philosophy centers around simplicity and practicality. We like to ensure that your adventure are memorable for all the right reasons. So, what’s our take on the whole “toilet in the van” situation? Let’s spill the beans.

The Smell Factor: It’s All About the Diet (and Kids!)

First things first, let’s address the elephant in the van – the smell. Admit it, no one enjoys dealing with unpleasant odors, especially in confined spaces. Your diet plays a significant role here. A healthy diet might mitigate the situation, but let’s face it, it’s not going to smell like roses. That’s where our experience as parents comes into play. We get it; dealing with potty training and late-night bathroom runs with little ones is part of the adventure.

The Roost Solution: The Loo Bench

So, what’s our solution? We’ve opted for a simple yet effective one – the Stansport EasyGo Loo, also known as a chamber pot. Paired with our carefully designed cabinet, the Loo Bench. Most of the time, it’s used for those inevitable midnight pee breaks or quick stops for the kiddos. As for the other business, well, we try to time our stops near flushing toilets.

The included Easy Go Toilet is easy to clean, chemical-free, and does not require electrical or water hookups. It is useable inside the cabinet, but can also be easily removed for cleaning or for use outside of the van… say, in a majestic forest. Quite simply, it is there when you need it, and invisible when you don’t.

The Loo Bench itself is custom-formed to the toilet and provides functional, and discreet storage. There is also a space for toilet paper and other toiletries and cleaning supplies. The spring-loaded, snug-fit lid of the cabinet, in conjunction with the tight seal of the Easy Go Toilet, minimizes unwanted odors until the contents can be properly dumped or buried.

The Toilet Options: Cassette Toilets, Composting Toilets, and More

Now, you might be wondering about other toilet options like cassette toilets, composting toilets, or the Laveo (also known at Roost Vans as the Diaper Genie). We’ve considered them all but ultimately settled for the chamber pot for its simplicity and cost. We took the KISS approach to our toilet solution. Cassette toilets come with chemicals and need care when disposing. Composting toilets tend to be larger, are complex and demand constant power for ventilation. Finally, the Laveo, while practical, still involves dealing with waste disposal. Essentially throwing another waste bag into the landfill as opposed to giving it back to the earth.

To Poop or Not to Poop: That is the Question

A question we often ask is, “Are you really going to take a poop in your van if you can avoid it?” We feel the answer is: probably not if you can avoid it. Finding a public restroom or a well-maintained outhouse is the preferred choice. Let’s be honest, nobody wants to stink up their cozy van space voluntarily. The Loo Bench is there for when you need it. Plain and simple.

In a nutshell, when it comes to van life and toilets, simplicity wins the day. Our approach at Roost Vans ensures that you can focus on the joy of the journey without worrying about complicated bathroom setups, and failures. So, next time nature calls, fear not – with a little planning and the right equipment, your van adventures will remain fresh and enjoyable. Happy travels, everyone!